RiverFort Global Opportunities plc
Investment company listed on AIM, part of the London Stock Exchange, seeking to generate returns for shareholders through capital growth and income by way of dividends.

Invests by providing equity-linked debt funding to public and private small cap growth companies in the technology, natural resources, energy, financial, healthcare, property and specialist industry sectors.

Funds provided to help companies complete acquisitions, manage working capital, fund capex and/or bridge to cash flow or refinancing events.

Investor capital protected by the use of debt instruments and investor returns generated from interest and fees with equity upside from warrants, conversion rights and royalty streams.
Investment Approach
This investment structure enables the Company to secure downside protection whilst generating attractive cash returns from fees and interest income.
The Company works closely with its investment adviser, RiverFort Global Capital Limited, in sourcing and structuring its investments. RiverFort Global Capital Limited is a specialist arranger of funding for junior companies.
Protect investor capital
Empower companies
Multi-discipline team which includes experience of Corporate Finance, Investment Management and Professional Services. This is coupled with sector specific knowledge and understanding along with the experience of founding and exiting venture-backed start-ups.
Extensive investment experience of direct equity investments, direct lending and structured mezzanine investments. Good understanding of how to construct ideal investment solutions that promote company growth. For investors, the focus is on providing multiple layers of downside protection and mitigation mechanisms with high yield returns.
Highly qualified team with accounting, investment banking and operational experience with a good understanding of the challenges of scaling companies and the optimal methodologies to achieve growth.

To become a major provider of funding to junior companies across a range of sectors